The single person most responsible for the team's hitting efficiency and overall success is the setter!! It is very important that the setter realize and accept this responsibility. In order to maximize a team's hitting capabilities a setter must do the following:
  1. Set each ball accurately and consistently. This allows the hitters to get into a good hitting rhythm.
  2. Know each hitter. What motivates each person and what does not. Know how to keep each hitter in the match and how to uplift a hitter who is not attacking well. Know when to go to a specific hitter and when not to.
  3. Must understand the offensive system and be able to follow a game plan. Be able to improvise should the game plan not work.
  4. Know the opponent. What defense the other team is using. Where the good blockers are located in each rotation and the best way to attack.
  5. Develop a court personality that shows confidence, a winning attitude, and an acceptance of responsibility for the team's offensive success or failure.
Characteristics of outstanding setters: Technical traits: