Dear God, 

            Help me be a good sport in this match today.  I don't ask for an easy place in the rotation.  Put me anywhere you need me.  I only ask that I can give you 100 percent of everything I have.  If all the serves and spikes seem to come my way, I thank you for the compliment.  Help me to remember that you never send a player more trouble than she can handle. 

            And, help me, Lord, to accept the bad breaks as part of the game.  May I always play by the rules, no matter what the others do.  Help me study the Book so I'll know the rules.

             Finally, God, if the play of the game goes against me and I am benched for poor play or sickness, help me to accept that as part of the game, too.  Keep me from whimpering that I was cheated or that the coach doesn't like me.  And when match point has been scored, I ask for no laurels.  All I want is to believe in my heart that I played as well as I could, that I made a positive contribution to the team, and that I didn't let you down. 

            Thank you Lord.  For all things are possible through you.

 adapted from a prayer by Cardinal Cushing