Several things make up a "team"! It is not only the physical abilities of the players, as any athlete knows, but it is the mental capabilities, attitudes and emotions, as well.
Every team member is different, having his own personality; however a GOOD TEAM is one that can mesh those personalities, which is probably the most difficult part.
Every person, not just two or three people, must be mature enough to overlook the little problems in order to maintain harmony, on and off the court. A good team is one that loves and cares.
It is being a united whole that never backs down to a challenge and is NEVER SATISFIED.
For if a state of satisfaction exists then improvement ceases. Without improvement, GOALS CANNOT BE ACCOMPI1ISHED.
I guess it comes down to asking yourself just how badly you want to be a part of a GOOD TEAM and how hard you are willing to work to reach that level.
DESIRE and EFFORT... this is where it is only up to you No one else to blame. Everyone must be willing to sacrifice.... FOR THIS TEAM TO REACH ITS GOALS!!!!